Friday, October 20, 2006

Taxi driver talking non-stop....

Board this taxi from office there to go bedok fetch my senior along the way. Wah. The driver started chatting the moment i got onto the taxi. I'm tired, but i still hav to ying chou him abit. hhaa. Firstly he was asking whether i'm an auditor, then he started saying he knew about the big 4 accounting firm. Ask me how long have i joined, saying i look like a fresh graduate. Thks! hahha. Then he started saying he was retrenched 2.5yrs ago, no company willing to hire a 44yr old, so he became a taxi driver. Talk n talk... his main point?? Is to introduce his wine to me! OMG. hahha. He sells wine part-time, and he has the wine catolog ready beside his seat. Ok, so i ying chou ying chou abit flip through the catolog. And he started to be how a salesman will promote his product...

Saying that some people will order the wine for wedding dinners. At this point, he asked me when am i getting married. Faint~ hahah. I replied huh i still so young, not so soon ba. Then he said Good, don't anyhow anyhow rush into marriage. He cited an eg. saying he sold wine to this couple 3yrs ago, he attended their wedding, but right now they are divorced.

Ok, at this point, he started saying about the 5Cs. He was saying alot of people are only concerned about the big 5Cs when choosing their partners, but wat about the small 5Cs? You must be wondering wat are the 5 small Cs riz?

Care, Concern, Conviction, Commitment and Communication!~

haha. ok, taxi-uncle, this 5Cs i agree with u~ Very true hoh.. these 5 small Cs are much much more impt woh. Reached my senior's hse, she board in, and the taxi uncle started his wine business again!!~~ hahha. faint ah.. i shut my ears le. He was repeating the same stuff he told me just now. You win le, uncle. hahha.

posted by aloevera at 2:18 PM


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